Friday, 1 August 2014

Daisypath apk free download



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UPDATE: Support for multiple independent and configurable widgets has been added. Now you can have as many Daisypath Widgets as you want, all with a unique ticker listing.

Create daily updating tickers to celebrate the milestones in your life using a beautiful range of hand-drawn images. Tickers can be displayed on your home screen or published online.

The App installs with the minimum of images to keep the initial download small. Once installed you can download lots more images in FREE ticker packages tailored to suit you.

Daisypath tickers can be used for:

Anniversary -- display how long you have been together or count to your next Anniversary.

Birthday -- Keep track of whose birthday is up next or how old they are.

Friendship -- Show how long you have been friends.

Travel -- Display how long until your next holiday, or how long you have been away.

Event -- Count to or from a special date like your Graduation.

Holiday -- Count down to special holiday dates like Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving and Halloween.

On the home screen widget you can see which event is coming up next, and click to refresh and cycle through your tickers. When you are online, tickers can be published to Facebook, Google+, Hyves and many websites, blogs, email and forum signatures.

Installing the app gives you free access to a library of ticker packages with lots more hand drawn images to choose from when you create your tickers.

Free ticker packages currently include:

pack1 - Sliders: Friends and Couples -- For Anniversary, Friendship, Events, Holidays & Vacation

pack2 - Sliders: Families -- For Anniversary, Events, Holidays & Vacation

pack3 - Scenes: Spring & Summer Flowers -- For Anniversary, Birthday, Friendship, Events & Vacation.

pack4 - Scenes: Autumn & Winter -- For Anniversary, Birthday, Friendship, Events & Vacation.

pack5 - Scenes: Wild & Bright -- For Anniversary, Birthday, Friendship, Events & Vacation.

pack6 - Sliders: Birthday Animals -- For Birthday & Events.

pack7 - Scenes & Sliders: Graduation -- For Events

pack8 - Scenes & Sliders: Halloween -- For Holidays

pack9 - Scenes & Sliders: Christmas -- For Holidays

pack10 - Scenes & Sliders: Easter -- For Holidays

pack11 - Scenes & Sliders: Thanksgiving -- For Holidays

If you would like to be emailed when new ticker packages are added you can sign up to the Daisypath newsletter

Download .apk

Since the year 2011 came without a Wes Anderson film, it is good to know that 2012 brings us Moonrise Kingdom. How do we get from the director of the Royal Tenenbaums and Fantastic Mr. Fox was expected, he brings a spectacular cast with it, Bill Murray, Harvey Keitel, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman contains free Daisypath 1.4.5 torrent download . The story follows a boy and girl who fall in love then run away together and start the search for it in a 1960 New England town. Watch the trailer below now!

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